Legal Services Expenditure 2022-23

Statement on legal services expenditure in accordance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017.

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Federal Court of Australia, including the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Corporate Services and National Native Title Tribunal, for the financial year 2022-23, published in compliance with the Legal Services Directions 2017.

Expenditure is reported on an accrual accounting basis and exclusive of GST.

Summary totals

Total (External + Internal) Expenditure$572,324
Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure$0
Total External Legal Services Expenditure$572,324

Senior Counsel

Equitable briefing policy: 'senior' means a barrister of 10+ years experience at the Bar or a Queen's/Senior Counsel. For 2022-23 reports, include 2013 barristers.

Number of briefs - direct and indirect briefsNo.
Total number of direct briefs to male senior counsel1
Total number of direct briefs to female senior counsel0
Total number of direct briefs to gender X senior counsel0
Total number of indirect briefs to male senior counsel3
Total number of indirect briefs to female senior counsel1
Total number of indirect briefs to gender X senior counsel0

Value of briefs - direct and indirect briefs$
Total value of direct briefs to male senior counsel$31,818
Total value of direct briefs to female senior counsel$0
Total value of direct briefs to gender X senior counsel$0
Total value of indirect briefs to male senior counsel$64,772
Total value of indirect briefs to female senior counsel$2,866
Total value of indirect briefs to gender X senior counsel$0

Junior Counsel

Number of briefs - direct and indirect briefsNo.
Total number of direct briefs to male junior counsel1
Total number of direct briefs to female junior counsel1
Total number of direct briefs to gender X junior counsel0
Total number of indirect briefs to male junior counsel0
Total number of indirect briefs to female junior counsel3
Total number of indirect briefs to gender X junior counsel0

Value of briefs - direct and indirect briefs$
Total value of direct briefs to male junior counsel$8,364
Total value of direct briefs to female junior counsel$87,609
Total value of direct briefs to gender X junior counsel$0
Total value of indirect briefs to male junior counsel$0
Total value of indirect briefs to female junior counsel$28,170
Total value of indirect briefs to gender X junior counsel$0

Value of briefs to all counsel$
Total value of briefs to all counsel$223,599


Total Disbursements$13,178

Professional fees

Total value of professional fees$335,547

Whole of Australian Government Legal Services Panel

Use of the Panel 
Does your Agency participate in the WoAG Legal Services Panel?Yes
What was your WoAG Legal Services Panel Fee (2022-23)$762
Use of WoAG Legal Services Panel flexibility mechanisms$
Professional Fees for work done by non-Panel firms as part of 10%    off-Panel allowance$8,658
Professional Fees for work done by non-Panel firms with an Exemption from AGD$0

Summary totals

Total Legal Services Expenditure (External + Internal)$572,324
Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure$0
Total External Legal Services Expenditure$572,324
Total value of briefs to Counsel$223,599
Total value of briefs to Male Counsel$104,954
Total value of briefs to Female Counsel$118,645
Total value of briefs to gender X Counsel$0
Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)$13,178
Total value of professional fees$335,547
Total value of professional fees - 10% off-Panel allowance$8,658
Total value of professional fees - Exemption from AGD$0
Total number of briefs to counsel10


The non - corporate listed entity ( Known as the " Federal Court of Australia") created under section 18ZB of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 is comprised of statutory office holders, officers and staff of or assisting the Federal Court of Australia, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and National Native Title Tribunal.