Latest Judgments

Judgments are generally published within 24 hours of being made available by Judges' staff, often earlier. In cases of high media interest, we endeavour to publish judgments within 1 hour of being delivered by the Court.

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Today's published judgments

Corporations Law
Shire of Carnarvon v State of Western Australia [2024] FCA 1064
CORPORATIONS - application by local government for vesting order and ancillary orders under s 133(9) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - vesting of a 50% interest in a fee simple estate sought to facilitate a statutory power of sale over the whole estate - effect of disclaimer where a statutory charge held over land - application consented to by mortgagee - within power and just and equitable to vest the interest and make ancillary orders liberalising the process of sale of the whole estate
13 Sep 2024 |  JACKSON J