Library & Information Services

Library & Information Services serves the Judges and staff of the Federal Court of Australia and the National Native Title Tribunal.

Members of the public, including the legal profession, self-represented litigants and students can access our services by:


The Federal Court collections specialise in the areas of law in which the court has jurisdiction, including:

  • Administrative law
  • Admiralty and maritime
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Bankruptcy
  • Competition and consumer law
  • Corporations law
  • Insurance
  • Human rights
  • Intellectual property
  • Industrial relations
  • Migration
  • Native title
  • Taxation

We have close links to law libraries in the Pacific region and provide assistance on collection management and development. The International Programs section of this site contains further information about the Federal Court’s work in the Pacific region.


We do not lend library materials to individuals. Our library collections are available on inter-library loan through your local or corporate library, subject to the primary use of Judges and court staff. Many items are restricted and may not be borrowed.

For students and educators

If you are looking for specific information about the operation of the Federal Court, there are a number of resources on this website including judges' papers and videos.

Legal system

For information on Australia’s legal system and government generally, we recommend the following sites:

Citation guides

If you need assistance with citing Australian legal materials, we recommend:

Public access & contact us

There is a library in each Registry of the Federal Court. Most provide a limited service to the public.

For further information and contact details, refer to the Contact pages of this website.

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